Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Shoes/Old Bag

Yesterday I got a pair of lovely Coach flats in the mail. I have been desperately in need of a new pair of everyday flats for, oh, I dunno, like 6 months. But me being me, I waited...and waited...because surely I'd find the most perfect pair of comfy, super well-fitting, high-quality size 9 flats at a thrift store eventually. No such luck. Even professional thrifters like me need to know when to throw in the towel. So I went to the internet.

I had a few provisions when it came to choosing my new footwear - they must be comfy, they have to go with everything, and they have to last.

Then I saw these:

They are impractical, expensive, and not the most structured shoe in the world. But I got them. They are leopard print haircalf leather with black trim. I'm a sucker for leopard print haircalf leather with black trim.

I decided, though, that if I'm going to splurge on these shoes, it's only fair to purge another item in my closet, so I went ahead and listed my beloved 1970s Coach purse. It's a bit rough around the edges, but it's a darn good bag and soft as buttah.

Yes, I can be impractical and splurge every now and then, too. And these shoes are gonna look amazing with my leopard print haircalf leather with black trim gloves from Saks that I got for a song!


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